English (Second Language)
 Competency: developing listening and speaking skills  listening to poems for pleasure and  appreciation; listening to stories for comprehension, interpreting various information and developing essential values of life; following instructions for performing activities  reciting poems for joyful experience, developing pronunciation, stress, accent and intonation; participating in role play; constructing a story with the help of word/picture cues and telling the story to the class; participating in a conversation discussing with peers about an imaginary situation; narrating a personal experience/event; describing a person/object/experience the learner likes most as mentioned in the story/ poem Competency: developing reading skill  reading poems of world literature composed by Christina Rossetti, Katherine Pyle, Joseph Campbell, Kate Louise Brown, etc. for comprehension, appreciation  and linguistic purposes  reading stories of fantasy and imagination of various eminent writers of world literature like Charles Dickens, H.G. Wells, Enid Blyton, Washington Irving etc. for pleasure reading, comprehension and appreciation ; reading comic strip (e.g. The Land of The Pharaohs) for enjoyment, comprehension and knowledge construction Competency: developing writing skill  writing a paragraph describing personal experience, encoding and decoding information (reinforcement); writing a dialogue; writing a story Competency: developing functional skills (grammar and vocabulary)  identifying and using abstract nouns, collective nouns, auxiliary verbs, appropriate verb in agreement with the subject, functional adverbs, prepositions, linkers (reinforcement) and punctuations (reinforcement) in meaningful sentences; differentiating between countable and uncountable nouns, various types or functions of sentences, common and proper nouns(reinforcement), personal pronouns and possessive pronouns(reinforcement);  solving a crossword puzzle with the help of word cues; identifying, matching, substituting and making sentences with synonyms and antonyms, adding prefixes/suffixes for constructing opposite words Competency : developing critical thinking and creative skills  observing and identifying different actions and comparing, contrasting and analyzing their features, exploring the theme of the story stated by interpreting a given picture  making a model of the Earth, pyramid and exploring their features; making puppets and performing a puppet-show; drawing a picture of a particular incident/ character mentioned in the text and discussing with peers analyzing their features; making a scrap-book with pictures of important personalities and pointing out their contributions
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Textbook:  ‘Blossoms: English Textbook for class VI’ (New edition published by W.B.B.S.E.)
 Syllabus of three Summative Evaluations
First Summative Evaluation: 1) Revision Lesson ( approx. 16 periods) 2) Lesson 1: It all began with Drip-Drip ( approx.20 periods) 3) Lesson 2: The Adventurous Clown ( approx.18 periods) 4) Lesson 3: The Rainbow ( approx.10 periods) Second Summative Evaluation: 5) Lesson 4: The Shop that never Was ( approx.20 periods) 6) Lesson 5: Land of the Pharaohs ( approx.16 periods) 7) Lesson 6:How the little kite learnt to Fly ( approx.10 periods) 8) Lesson 7: The Magic Fish Bone ( approx.18 periods) 9) Lesson 8:  Goodbye to the Moon (approx. 20 periods) Third Summative Evaluation: 10) Lesson 9: I will go with my Father a-ploughing (approx. 10 periods) 11) Lesson 10: Smart ice-Cream ( approx. 10 periods) 12) Lesson 11: The Blind Boy ( approx. 10 periods) 13) Lesson 12: Rip Van Winkle ( approx. 10 periods)